Thursday, December 21, 2006

Brothers Goblin - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

It was a hot day in Silverwood Forest, the kind of day that makes you want to trade your sword for a cold glass of ale. The leaves up in the canopy did their best to block out the sun, trapping humidity in the process. Frizzle and Frazzle stood bravely at the entrance to the cave, waiting for the adventurer's return. Sweating profusely, both goblins stood their, swatting at gnats and cursing the heat. "Hot, too hot... I hopes man come back soon wif ale.", Frazzle commented. "Ale? I just wants sumthin ta eat. I hungry yup yup.", replied Frizzle as his stomach growled loudly... or so they thought. They both heard it again and looked off to their left. "Wolf! Ruuuunnn!!!", they both screamed and took off into the forest. The wolf was in close pursuit, nipping at their little green heals. With lightning quick dexterity, the two brothers jumped logs, crawled under bushes, and ran through briars to evade the wolves. Suddenly, SMACK! FLOP! "Owww!", They both cried and looked up to see a wagon wheel they had both ran into. They both looked up and stated quizzically, "Adventurer?" The man driving the wagon was the same one they had made a deal with earlier in their cave, shiny armor and all. The man looked down at them and asked, "What's this? What's all the comotion?" Soon his question was answered as the wolf tore through the trees, lunging toward the two goblins. Reacting quickly, the adventurer grabbed his loaded crossbow, aimed, and fired. The shot barely missed the wolf. It halted, stared at the adventurer, and growled hatefully. The adventurer leaped from the cart, putting himself between the goblins and the wolf with his sword drawn. "Git! Shoo!", he barked at the wolf. The wolf howled, and ran off in the opposite direction.

Turning to the goblins, the adventurer looked them over. "Now what have you two been getting into eh?", he asked. "We waits for you bring food an wolf thinks we food. You gots food mister?", Frizzle asked. The adventurer chuckled and replied, "Well I have come looking for you two, but it isn't fod I bring. NOW!" The canvas on the wagon slid off, and three other stout men in full plate surrounded the goblins, swords drawn, and ready to fight. "You will come with us quietly or face your death!", the adventurer stated heroically. "What we do? What we do?", Frazzle asked nervously. "Well, there is the matter of the gold you gave me, the gold you stole from me! But the Duke of Davenport deems that you be captured alive for questioning.", He responded coolly. With a heavy sigh, both goblins laid upon the ground with their hands behind their back, as one of the men bound them. "See, I tolds you we shoulda went swimming instead.", Frizzle pointedly told his brother. "Shut up troll sniffer!", Frazzle hatefully replied. They were both tossed into small cages in the cart, and hauled off to the Davenport Jail...

Chapter 3 - Cruel Interrogation

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