Saturday, December 16, 2006

Linkage to awesome binary goodness

Hey Everyone! This is my first post here so I thought I'd share a useful tool with you all. Enjoy :D

The Daily Fortune

[databat@ebob ~]$ /usr/games/fortune
Win98 Error 009: Erroneous Error: Nothing is wrong.
[databat@ebob ~]$

*blink* Hey, I thought this was UNIX!?!? *confused look*

Wolf Series

Timeless Series

Shadow Series

Liquid Night Series

Legends of Lore Series

Fire and Ice Series

Digital Darkness Series

Dark vs. Light Series

Binary Hole Issue #1

Welcome to the first edition of the Binary Hole E-Zine (electronic magazine). As this is the first edition, it is a bit on the thin side.

In this issue, we have our Who Are We article to bust into the scene. It's a bit in your face, and right to the point.

Next up, we have an in depth article explaining the mechanics of the telnet protocol. It also lists the various protocol options, as well as listings of the relevant RFC's for further research.

We also have a yummy littel article that gets into the nitty gritty of the horrible beast known as spyware. It goes into how you get spyware in the first place, what it does, how to prevent it, and how to remove it. It also discusses a couple of useful tools to help you.

As a regular feature, we also have our GPF and /dev/null sections. Our GPF (General Protection Fault) section is all about computer humor, jokes, funny stories, etc. Our /dev/null section is entirely devoted to SPAM, scams, and other idiotic e-mails we receive. In the future we will have more regular features, as well as serious letters written to us. If you have something you would like to contribue, please e-mail it to databat333 (at) Please place Binary Hole in the subject line.

Table of Contents


Even though I don't think I'm very good at it, I do like to draw. I mostly use graphite, but sometimes I use oil pastels and water colors. I would like to try my hand at oil painting, but a set of paints and needed supplies are a bit more than I can afford at the moment. Anywho, here's a couple of examples.

The one on the top is called Nose to Nose. The one on the bottem is called Summer Sunset. Yeah yeah, I know. I better not give up my day job just yet. But I enjoy this kinda stuff so I'll keep doing it in hopes that one day I'll be decent at it. I'll slop a few more up here when I get a chance. Hopefully I'll get an oil painting set in my stocking this Christmas or something. I'm not holding my breath though.


Bit-twiddler The Next Generation

I am deffinately proud of this one. She is as smart as she is beautiful. She's also family. Her typing skills rival my own. She can navigate the net with ease, and shows great potential to take my place one day as Supreme Bit-twiddler, if she chooses this path. But for the moment, she must continue learning. Most importantly of all, she must have fun. Besides, what's the point of skulking about the net if your not having fun doing it?
Enjoy being young. Enjoy being beautiful. Enjoy learning. One day it will take you places. Just don't ever forget your wacky cuz when you make it big! I'll always have your back. Just give me a call if you need anything.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Databat's Law

Weird Mumblings from the Great Book of Insanity

Warning: The further down you read, the worse it gets...

Ok, so it's not a set of laws enforced by any agency. I suppose you could call it a philosophy rather, a list of things I consider important. A list of guidelines that guide my thoughts. Things that I attempt to live by. No I'm not always successful. I am human, an imaginative, creative, error prone creation. However, I do try to live by the following rules. It started out serious, but somewhere around law 36, it all just kinda went south. See for yourself...

Disclaimer: Subject to change without notice, reproduce as you see fit, 0% down, 0% APR, batteries not included, your mileage may vary, blah blah blah poo...

  1. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, we shall never be.

  2. Duty, Honor, Country. Death before dishonor.

  3. This We'll Defend.

  4. Blood is thicker than water.

  5. Thou shalt not murder.

  6. Millions of Relationships, A few hundred friends, but you only get one family...

  7. Raw anger destroys from inside out. Tempered anger is fuel for determination

  8. Every person, every religion, even the highest office... We are not perfect. Mistakes will be made. Just remember, when you make the mistake, how did you treat others that made a mistake???

  9. You can anger me, you can torture me, you can kill me. Just don't bore me.

  10. Sea bears foam, sleep bears roam. They both end the same way. CRASH!

  11. I welcomed birth with open arms, and one day I shall welcome death with open arms. What I do with the time in between is what matters most.

  12. Be patient... A chance will come... There is an eternity to wait...

  13. I choose not to fear.

  14. Trust is given to a true friend by a true friend. False trust is given to everyone by a fool.

  15. Sisters are like sparring partners that are stronger than you. They teach you life lessons the hard way.

  16. Advice is easily given but rarely followed.

  17. I shall consider it for eternity...

  18. The most difficult problems to solve are your own...

  19. Your perception of me is not my concern. My perception of me is of the utmost importance.

  20. Emotions are like fire. When out of control they can be deadly. However, contained and harnessed, they can be a useful tool.

  21. It all depends on me.

  22. The human brain. Something everyone possesses, but most rarely use.

  23. If I am wrong, I will apologize. If it is not accepted, then it is no longer my problem.

  24. Why waste energy tormenting someone you hate? It is more constructive to push them out of your life. Concentrate on what matters, not on what angers you.

  25. Common sense. See above.

  26. Dreams. The manifestation of one's problems hidden from conscious thought. The most difficult things to deal with.

  27. Humor. The worlds best cure for nearly everything.

  28. Friends come and go. True friends are willing to work out any problem.

  29. Do not try to change me. I will only tolerate it for so long. Eventually I will leave to be myself, with or without you.

  30. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. All others are of no importance.

  31. The ones most likely to stab you in the back are the ones you trust the most.

  32. Third time's the charm, any more and it's all harm.

  33. If you are always running late, every stop light will catch you. They know who you are, they know you're coming, and they know your late! It's a conspiracy I tell ya!!! :-)

  34. If something can go wrong, it will go wrong, especially to me.
  35. (addendum to above) Even if it can't go wrong, somehow it will find a way to go wrong if I'm involved.

  36. Spontaneous black hole manifestation: It does not matter how much I eat, or how much weight I try to gain, as soon as I start to make progress the little gremlins of the universe mysteriously cause a black hole to briefly appear in my stomach, thus keeping me at my current size.

  37. Spontaneous Invisibility theorem: When any sock stays in the dryer for a longer amount of time than needed to dry said sock (note: scientists are still trying to determine this length of time), The ghost odors of old (you know, the ones that never totally wash out and just leave the socks smelling odd) will mingle with meso quarks given off by the slight radioactivity the sock has also picked up from repetitive use, thereby mingling and creating a very strange field around the sock, causing it to either become invisible, or disappear from existence. (we still aren't sure yet because we cant see it after it has happened)

  38. Disproving the spontaneous invisibility theorem: Martians are using said socks to fuel their space ships. One sock enables them to fly space ship from their home planet located in the center of the NGC-817 Galaxy to our planet, where upon reaching earth, are infiltrating our world governments in order to take over our sock production, with which they will be able to fuel their campaign to take over the Universe!

  39. Disproving the Disproving mentioned above: I ran over the Martian leader this morning on my way to work. If ya need proof, scrape him off my head lights. And don't blame others because you can't remember what you did with your socks!

  40. Predictable Randomness theorem: Whenever you need something to go exactly as planned, that is exactly when a random event will occur which will make said event either not go as smoothly, or not work at all.

  41. Existence of Construction Gremlins Theory: Whenever you are building something, and it needs to be built in a hurry, construction gremlins will appear from (still yet to be determined), and either steal parts, shrink parts/tools/etc so that nothing will fit, or break parts so you are unable to complete said construction project.

  42. You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friends nose! (well if you do, you shouldn't :-p)

  43. Women are a lot like men, they're just too ashamed to admit it hehe

  44. Women are like onions, some have layers, some have had their layers peeled away, some are rotten, some aren't fit to eat (hey get your mind out of the gutter!), but all will make you cry at some time.

  45. Women are like onions, some have layers, some have had their layers peeled away, some are rotten, some aren't fit to eat (hey get your mind out of the gutter!), but all will make you cry at some time.

  46. All women, beautiful, or hideous, will always look for something better than they already have, even if they already have the best.

  47. See above, but replace women with men

  48. Life is like a visit to the proctologist. (you figure out the rest)

  49. There are 3 things you should never try to take from a man, his food, his truck, and his privacy.

  50. Find me a woman who will respect my privacy, and love me for who I am, not what she can change me into, and I will be in y our debt for life.

  51. "If you understand what you're doing, you're not learning anything." -- A. L.

  52. What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance?

  53. Fertility is hereditary. If your parents didn't have any children, neither will you.

  54. Lord of the Data (Lord of the rings spoof)

    Nine megs for the secretaries fair,
    Seven megs for the hackers scarce,
    Five megs for the grads in smoky lairs,
    Three megs for system source;

    One disk to rule them all,
    One disk to bind them,
    One disk to hold the files
    And in the darkness grind 'em.

  55. Your life would be very empty if you had nothing to regret.

  56. An artist should be fit for the best society and keep out of it.

  57. Maintainer's Motto: If we can't fix it, it ain't broke.

  58. When Marriage is Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have In-laws.

  59. The polite thing to do has always been to address people as they wish to be addressed, to treat them in a way they think dignified. But it is equally important to accept and tolerate different standards of courtesy, not expecting everyone else to adapt to one's own preferences. Only then can we hope to restore the insult to its proper social function of expressing true distaste.
    -- Judith Martin, "Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior"

  60. Proof techniques #2: Proof by Oddity.
    SAMPLE: To prove that horses have an infinite number of legs.

    (1) Horses have an even number of legs.
    (2) They have two legs in back and fore legs in front.
    (3) This makes a total of six legs, which certainly is an odd number of legs for a horse.
    (4) But the only number that is both odd and even is infinity.
    (5) Therefore, horses must have an infinite number of legs.

    Topics to be covered in future issues include proof by:

    Intimidation Gesticulation (hand waving)
    "Try it; it works"
    Constipation (I was just sitting there and ...)
    Blatant assertion
    Changing all the 2's to n's
    Mutual consent
    Lack of a counterexample, and "It stands to reason"

  61. Keep America beautiful. Swallow your beer cans.

  62. Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles, called electrons, that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking. Electrons travel at the speed of light, which in most American homes is 110 volts per hour. This is very fast. In the time it has taken you to read this sentence so far, an electron could have traveled all the way from San Francisco to Hackensack, New Jersey, although God alone knows why it would want to. The five main kinds of electricity are alternating current, direct current, lightning, static, and European. Most American homes have alternating current, which means that the electricity goes in one direction for a while, then goes in the other direction. This prevents harmful electron buildup in the wires.

    -- Dave Barry, "The Taming of the Screw"

This page will be updated every Febutober the twenty-teenth...


Ah yes, my youngest padawan. This is my niece, and an odd picture of me without a goatee. This lesson involved learning to read the newspaper, then turning them into these fashionable hats. Not only do these babies protect your brainwaves from Big Brother, they also keep the rain from messing up your hair. Instead the hat messes it up. (hey, no technology is without it's faults hehe)

She is a quick learner though. I can remember, it seems just a short while ago I was teaching her to crawl. She's grown much bigger now though, and a lot more mischieves. At 3 years old, she can operate my sisters cell phone. We have the most interesting conversations about Elmo in Grouchland, Curious George, and other such topics. However, one day she shall replace me. I look forward to the day when I shall pass my root account over to her. The day when she will begin tormenting users, and plotting to rule the world! Muhahaha! But for now, she will have to be content ruling over boxes of animal crackers.

The Daily Fortune

[databat@ebob ~]$ /usr/games/fortune
Bell Labs UNIX -- Reach out and grep someone.
[databat@ebob ~]$

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Internet on a Foggy Day

Trust Your Techno Lust


listen to that sound,
nothing all around.

So comforting yet so cold,
it's secrets never told.

If you listen you shall find it there,
not to damage it you must take care.

It whispers it's secret to all,
not listening shall bring your downfall.

It takes me in it's arms,
from it's touch I shall not be harmed.

My spirit is warmed by it's gentle hand,
let it spread throughout the land,
complete attention it demands.

I wrap myself in it's presence,
I find it wonderful and pleasant.

In it's beauty I get lost,
and seek it out no matter what the cost.

I am a part of it,
it is part of me,
the way it should be.


Free Soul

Every time they try to hold me down,
I come back with lots of sound.

Each time they call me a liar,
my spirit burns higher.

I shall be free,
no one shall stop me.

The green flame grows strong,
my spirit shall never be gone.

I am free,
the fire is within me.

Every day troubles I have,
and sometimes I am sad.

But I am free,
no one can stop me,
Because I am free.

I soar high up in the sky,
when I'm hurt I cry.

But I'm free,
open sky surrounds me.

Forever I can see,
because I'm free,
the wind goes around me,
I am free.

Everyone shall hear,
my message do not fear.

Accross the plains I run,
over head flies the sun,
it is free,
I am free,
because of me,
I am free.

A leaf blows accross the ground,
listen close and you'll hear it's sound,
the story it has to tell,
you'll do good to listen well.

It says it's free,just like me.

I am free,
no one can touch me,
because I am free.

The flame burns higher,
even when I'm tired.

As I grow stronger,
the flames grow longer.

No one can put them out,
it's what I'm all about.
It is the essence of me,
because I'm free,
because of me,
I am free.

I must make my own way,
I do this every day.

They shall never hold me down,
I take flight from the ground.

I never look back,
laughing at their puny attacks.

They can't hurt me,
because I am free.

I am free.



I spread my wings and fly,
now my home is the sky.

All alone among the clouds,
this is what my life is about.

Eagles eye crystal clear,
I see only one thing I fear,
and I wonder,what I'm doing here.

It's my own fault,
can't use this beak to talk,
it's cold up high,
Heart so cold,
it's been so long,
what I would give,
to hear love's sweet song.

I fly around,
circle down,
only to get shot to the ground.

it's because of me,
trusting I had to be,
she has hurt me,
why can't love let me die in peace!?!

Tugging at my heart,
yet I resist,
unable to stop love's sweet soul kiss.

I fly away,
trying to escape,
knowing my flight is a fake.

Secretly wishing to get caught,
yet afraid of what it has brought,
it is with me,
I can see,
why can't these thoughts just let me be.



Standing alone,
on the edge of tears,
memories come back,
every single day of every year.

Unconditional love,
that's what it has to be,
but why does this happen?

Death trying to take it away from me.

I scream out,
into the night,
for death to take me instead,
here is my life.

I stand before you,
in this mess I call life,
praying for my Grandmother,
and crying in the night.

For this moment,
so much pain,
so much worse,
than the stinging rain.

The cold trying to hide me,
and drown out my heart,
but nothing can hold back,
my heart being ripped appart.

What ever happens,
where ever she ends up,
Every time I see a dove,
I'll be sending her my love.



Tick tock,
tick tock,
everyone racing around the clock.

Always busy,
getting dizzy.

The clock never stops,
except for here,
time stands still,
for a thousand years.

Scratches on the wall,
they are from human claws.

Trapped in the stream of time,
too busy for others,
their only crime.

Behind are the marks they leave,
always in memory.

Forever precious let them be,
these memories are timeless to me...


Wolves Of The Bitter Night

A chilled wind blows across the plains,
to others,
things seem strange.

Our pack is small,
but we survive,
where others would shrivel and die.

We are wolves,
flesh and bone,
but accuse us of no feeling,
and you are dead wrong!

When bitten,
we do hurt,
at this you take pleasure,
yes we see your smirk!

Be for-warned of your deadly ways,
for each person's deeds,
someone pays.

Get used to it for the rest of your days,
this pair of wolves are here to stay!

Hurt unjustly,
that we have,
you rip out our hearts,
and we are called savage?

Come now,
you surely must know,
that you are the one without any hope.

For we have each other,
to lean on each day and night,
yet from us you run and hide.

We are the hunted pack,
surviving in the night,
growling,bearing our teeth,
at what you call right...

By: Eric Farmer


Alone we travel,
late at night,
howling at the moonlight.

Being hunted,run and hide,
watching a friend die inside.

I arch my back,
howl at the moon,
wishing there were something I could do.

It is out there,
hiding in wait,
waiting for my friends heart to break.

Why must we be hunted?

By: Eric Farmer

The One I Love

so many things to say
but no where to start
i could talk about her glimmering hair
or her dark brown eyes
but her real beauty is in something
you can not see
but it is the way she loved me
when she loves she will do anything
so many girls pass by
but none compare to her beauty
none make me feel the way she does
i am out of words to describe her
there are so few to describe such beauty

By: Brad Parris

Torn Again

To be torn from love twice
There are no words to describe
only wonder if i am still alive
i know she wants me still around
and i would worship her ground
to help her makes me feel so warm
if only she would tell me more
she started that last night
and only now can i see the light
why she did so many things
i wish i could help
but only she can decide
on so many things that will shape her life
and she has to decided once again
to chose the road with me as a friend
she will always have a piece of my heart
and only she will ever have that piece
i could never get it back
and never would want it back
as a friend i shall be
and one of the best
but torn from love is what i am
torn twice and thrown down

By: Brad Parris

To Save A Life

To Save A Life
It feels so great to save a life
and only better to save two
so many things to talk about
and she must get them all out,
to save her life she must trust me with a piece
more than i can trust in me
to think i hold 2 lives in my hands
and only it I slip up one time
i could be responsible for a death
what shall i do
where shall i go
to never run
but always stay
if i stay i can help
but if i say the wrong thing
i will end a friends life
the most pressure i have ever felt
and no one to talk to
no one to tell
i need help
before i fall just as the others
but who to trust with my life
only one person can i trust that much
only to hope he comes back in time to help
before 3 souls are dead

By: Brad Parris

About The Wolf Series

This series was written by two wolves. Two wolves in a pack of their own. When everyone and everything else has failed them, and through it all, all that's left is their faith in each other. Giving each other a helping hand through it all. Lending strength to each other when it was needed most. The one thing being able to count on through it all, the pack...

The Daily Fortune

[databat@ebob ~]$ /usr/games/fortune
There are two kinds of people: people who USED linux and liked it, and people who never used linux and don't like it.
[databat@ebob ~]$

The Dark

I spend my nights,
hiding from the dawn,
up all night,
everything is wrong.

Thoughts racing through my head,
heart pounding in my chest.

I know it won't be long,
my wonderful darkness,
it will all be gone.

Forced to live in their mundane life,
I'm not like them,
I have no wife.

It is tomorrow,
and soon the light will come,
full of sorrow,
for now I must run,
hiding from the sun.


Born of Storms

I am a spirit,
a storm brought forth,
cold as ice,
winds from the north.

Loud is my thunder,
gentle is my rain,
drown out the hurt,
wash away my pain.

It still hurts,
even though I try,
destruction by lightning,
hiding the reason why.

I wrap myself in thunder,
slowly move on,
the way I feel,
can't be described in poetry or song.
The thunder rolls on.


Oh Starry Night

Oh starry night,
in your arms I find delight,
I spread my wings and take flight,
in the starry night.
You pull me into a cool embrace,
your mist soothes my hearts desire,
and quenches hate's deadly fire.
By your eerie light,
this I write,
no need of candle light,
your darkness I do not fight,
my eyesight you do not bite.
Your gentle breeze across my hair,
with love as a mother's care.
You have a heart,
'tis what I found,
neither of us make a sound,
peace in each other we have found.
I say to you dear friend,
let our closeness never end.


Frozen Tree

I am freezin',
yet I'm not sneezin',
what is wrong?

Now I know,
it should have stayed,
that is the right way.

What did I do?
I had to choose,
every time I loose,
every time the same thing I do.

Let me freeze,
let me leave,
so myself I will no longer deceive.

I am me,
a frozen tree,
I should just let it be.


Once, Twice, Ice

Before me the icy depths await,
there's no escaping my fate.
Behind me,
my hands are bound,
death creeping,
the only sound.
A heart no longer beats within' my chest,
I shall never be laid to rest,
over the edge I step.
Falling further,
is it really such a disaster?
Color draining from my face,
falling into,
out of,
and around this place.
Transformed by the bitter cold,
to me its secrets told.
I brush the frost from my hair,
everyone avoids my icy stare.
From me they turn and run,
they do not understand what I've become.
A tear runs down my cheek,
ice hits my feet.
Wish I could melt away,
no, the chill is here to stay.
Everything to hide,
nothing to say,
everyone just stays out of my way.



I am a shadow,
a shadow of the night,
hiding in darkness,
away from the light.

Forged by life's icy hand,
resisting it's every command.
Born of a broken heart,
hiding in the shadows,
comfort in the dark.

Frightened and alone,
with no one to talk,
chilled to the bone,
in the dark I walk.

Alone I walk,
in the cold night air,
with the darkness,
everything I share.

Every night it's always there,
never hurting,
somehow it cares.

Me it understands where others do not try,
no longer do I ask why,
all I do is cry.

I am a shadow,
a shadow of the night,
no longer do I fight,
this is my plight.


Roses Are Black

Roses are black,
thorns are dead,
the boggy marsh,
it fills my head.

Something to say,
trapped inside,
no way to express it,
there it shall die.

Just like all the others,
that have passed me before,
I should have expected nothing different,
it's the same as before.

I in my dark cloak,
them at their guns,
the battle continues,
there is no fun.

Screw your love,
the love I need to find,
when you hold me in you in your arms,
when I wrap you in mine.

I am angry,
yes angry at you,
for not being there,
when I need you,
when I want you.

Angry at myself,
for being angry at you,
poisoned flowers,
the things I loose.

Prick my finger,
my blood runs black,
you figure it out,
I laugh at your attack,
your roses,
they are black.

As I turn,
to walk away,
I have nothing left to give,
no reason to stay,
and no clue,
what made it that way.

I am gone,
into the night,
running from nursemaids,
I was born to fight.

I can fight,
not part of who I am,
but something learned,
out like a lamb.

It's real.....

Mirror mirror shining black,
that I step into,
then look back.

'Tis myself I see,
I see what is wrong,
what I have done to me.

I shall leave the world,
far behind,
make myself happy,
allowing others to choose,
that was my crime.

The roses,
they are black,
I am wounded,
I'm catching too much flak.

it always fades to black....
the roses are black....


'Twasn't There Before

There was a knock,
a knock at my door,
again no one was there,
just like many times before.

The shadows on the wall,
dance and take flight,
swarming around me,
amongst the candle light.


If I Forget

If tomorrow,
I don't remember a thing,

if tomorrow,
I do not act the same,

if tomorrow,
it rains,

will you still be there,
with open arms,
will you still care,
with all your grace,
with all your charm?

Through all the pain,
sometimes I just don't know,
don't know anything,
I hope I don't forget,
the happiness you bring.

This liquid night,
it fills my head,
squeezing tight,
while I'm snuggled in my bed.

If I forget,
will you still be there,
holding my hand?

If I forget,
I'll be a stranger,
walking in a strange land.

If I forget,
my mind slipping,
beneath the sands of time,
will you still be there,
to hold me when I cry?

If I forget,
if I loose my mind,
will you still love me,
like the way you said,
time after time?

If I forget,
will you remember,
remember I love you,
even if I forget?

Will you remember,
remember for us both,
if I forget?...


Grain of Salt

Over my shoulder,
I toss for luck,
my geometric home,
but life still sucks.

This perfect cube,
in which I'm trapped,
in which I live,
this life of crap.

My mouth draws shut,
as I lick the walls,
I take everything,
with a grain of salt.

Grain of salt,
in all my food,
it's all my fault,
always my fault.

This cubical home,
covers the earth,
in every person,
in every inch of dirt.

Grain of salt,
it's in my sweat,
in my tears,
day after day,
year after year.

Grain of salt,
sickening to the taste,
as my body falls apart,
as my body goes to waste.

This grain of salt,
it's killing me,
I'd rather eat chalk,
I can not flee.

Stop screwing around with me,
I'd rather go quick,
I'll give you the knife,
my heart you can prick.

Grain of salt,
trapped within geometric home,
I wish things were different,
I wish I were gone...

Grain of salt,
stop following me,
grains of salt,
everywhere I see.

Salt of the earth,
I wretch in pain,
everything to loose,
nothing to gain....



In my veins,
blood runs thin,
ice flows underneath my blue skin.

With this dagger,
a finger prick,
on the wall a clock ticks.

A drop of blood,
hits the ground,
Earth screams,
a horrid sound.

Icy droplet,
on the floor,
life rushing out the door.

No one looks,
no one cares,
whenever you need them,
no one is there.



Dark Paradise

Black flame,
a fiery storm burns,
my secret name,
no one has learned.

Upon troubled dreams,
whispers come to heart,
they speak of lies,
and of trust that is torn apart.

Such beautiful flesh,
a temple,
for the hideous spirit within,
and with each lie it speaks to me,
it grows more vile and grim.

I'm living in a dark paradise,
I'm drowning in all the lies,
I'm living in a dark paradise,
I watch blood innocence die.

I watch lives destroy themselves,
yet my lips are bound,
when people hide their true selves,
they wither into the ground.

Are you good,
are you evil,
doesn't matter to me,
but when you hide from yourself,
lie to everyone else,
you are no good to me.

I'm living in a dark paradise,
I watch the blackness grow,
I'm living in a dark paradise,
it's secrets I know.

I have been violated,
my trust has been lost,
to those people,
their blood i spew from my mouth,
my wrath is their cost!

I'm living in a dark paradise,
it fades from day to day,
I'm dieing in a dark paradise,
everything fades away....



Succulent flavor,
explosion in my mouth,
I am in heaven,
my mind goes south.

Such a treat,
eating brie,
food of the wealthy,
even though I know it's not me.

I do not sip wine,
I can not afford it you see,
they say fine cheese should be eaten with wine,
not for me.

Sipping on cola,
caffeine fills my veins,
eating my cheese,
while the rich brats laugh and taunt me by name.

I'm eating my cheese,
what's so special,
I can not see,
in drinking wine,
and eating cheese.

Not much different,
than an RC Cola and a Moon Pie,
I'm half way in between,
accepted by neither side!

I do not say a word,
nor do I care,
let their cheese mold to black,
who ever said life was not fair?

I eat their fancy cheese,
and belch their name,
mocking them with my cola,
mocking all of their fame,
I eat their cheese,
and drink my cola in shame,
in their eyes,
I live in shame...


Liquid Night

I am drowning,
in liquid night,
it fills my lungs,
I feel it's bite.

Semi-metallic liquid,
my breath it robs,
nothing here can survive,
all I can do is sob.

It stings my mind,
drowning everything from view,
un-noticed crime,
nothing I can do.

I am drowning,
in liquid night,
I am frowning,
there is no light.

Liquid night,
in it I can not swim,
liquid night,
I can not win.

Liquid night,
filling the void,
filling me with fright,
feeling annoyed.

Liquid night,
robs everyone of their friends,
liquid night,
trying to bring a quick end.

Liquid night,
sings silence song,
liquid night,
evil's throng.

Liquid night,
angry mixture,
horrid picture.

in liquid night...


Titiana's Song

Mountain black,
frozen ice,
wondrous beauty,
very nice.

Titiana's song,
fills my ears,
I can not hide,
nothing to fear.

You greet me,
with open arms,
perfect love,
in perfect song.

I step out upon the lake,
as my feet hit the water,
I leave no wake.
your love holding me up,
for loves sake.

Upon your voice,
neon light,
lighting up the cold dark night.

As the lake I ford, I glance,
shore to shore,
no one else is here by chance,
one night alone,
just you and me,
a night of romance,
as we embrace I kiss thee.

Titiana, your song fills my heart,
your spirit fills my soul,
drowning out the dark,
keeping out the cold.

Titiana, I'm sorry but I have to leave,
I must return home,
but I will carry your song with me.

I shall never forget,
what we have shared,
I shall never forget,
the way you care.

I shall never forget,
where I met thee,
you shall always be with me.


Legends of Lore

In a time long forgotten,
when the world was both young and old,
strange creatures lived and breathed,
countless stories would unfold.

When time did not exist,
and spirit's roamed free,
magic was common place,
many legend's came to be.

Now the world groans with age,
science and technology are the rule,
these legends only exist in dreams,
making imaginations drool.

Return with me to that place,
long forgotten,
long ago,
within your own dreams and mine,
discover what was lost in time...


Stick With Me

I don't understand,
I don't know how,
but out of the silence,
your voice rings loud.

All of the things we've been through,
you have stuck with me,
and I with you.

Some days were rough,
some days were fun,
I'm just glad neither of us turned to run.

I look at you,
and I see light,
I know everything will be all right,
the worst is behind us,
and thanks to you,
my heart isn't broken,
I didn't loose.

Stick with me,
everything will be ok,
I'll stick with you,
just like glue,
together we can't loose.

Arm in arm,
heart to heart,
we stand together,
to fight the dark.

Your my hero,
and I yours,
never again will life be a chore.

To Victory!!! With no regrets!!!



You pull me close,
with passion's fire,
then push me away,
as if I had earned your ire...

Have I been deceived,
or do you just not know,
do you secretly hate me,
should I just go?

Are you confused,
about what you want,
or did I loose,
have I secretly earned your taunt?

I feel deceived,
and this feeling isn't leaving me,
I feel teased,
why did you ever pick me?

I shall not hang around,
without proper communication,
everything breaks down.

I shall turn,
I shall walk away,
deceived maybe,
but tomorrow is another day...


Dark vs. Light

Walkin down the street,
hunting my prey,
it's business,
it's pleasure,
it'll make my day...

Walkin down the street,
gota do my job,
for all of the innocent,
who have ever been robbed...

Puddles splashing,
people running,
they know what's goin down,
they see me comin,
they're afraid they're gonna drown...

Crowd cheering,
lights up the dark,
I'm their hero,
their hope,
their spark...



We both approach...



It's goin down...

Prepare to fight...
Eternal combat,
war of ages,
rages in every soul,
trapping the innocent in cages...

Lightning flashes,
thunder crashes,
dark versus light,
the eternal fight....


Icy Flame

Flame trapped among the ice,
all that happened, wasn't nice.
Heart protected inside the ice,
alone in the dark feeling the bite.

Long ago a heart was broke,
from this many poems wrote.
Hearts live,
hearts die,
hearts break,
people cry.

Frozen hurt,
pushed aside,
still hurting and remembering why.

Frozen flame inside the ice,
look left,
look right,
where I am there is no fright.

The world is frozen,
yet I burn,
the horrid lessons we doth learn.

Falling in love,
a breaking heart,
what happened to special?
now we're apart.

She is happy,
I am cold,
burning brightly,
thats the way things unfold.

The icy flame my heart and soul,
burning alone,
trapped in the cold.


The Ice Is On Fire

In this crowd I stand alone,
chilled to the bone.
Fire is ice,
and ice is fire,
depends on your hearts desire.
Are you warm?
Are you cold?
Are you both?
Secrets told...

What it seems may not be,
many dreams,
shattered seas.
Water freezes,
then it burns,
shattered heart,
as the world turns.

The ice is on fire,
let it burn,
either way it's gonna hurt.
Hot cold,
cold hot,
either way,
the pain never stops.


The Fire Within

Outside a frozen sky,
I look at the world and wonder why.
Where you are no one cares,
all the world just laughs and stares.

off I go.
Of this place,
no one knows.

Here I go day or night,
always a fire burning bright.
No one here with me,
is this the way it's suppose to be?

Day or night,
hot or cold,
long ago secrets told.
Heart shared,
once I dared.

can not win,
getting burned again and again.

I wrap myself within my soul,
protect myself from the cold.
Frozen the world may be,
so I must hide inside,
the fire within me.


Eternal Battle

I wonder through life and battle pain,
icy shield and a sword of flame.
To the world happy I seem,
when I laugh,
thats not what my heart really means.

Others think I am fine,
they never see me cryin'.
From the pain I try to hide,
push it off to the side.

Eternal war rages on,
fire and ice,
battle on.
Fight the hurt,
freeze the pain,
it always comes back,
again and again.

Take a look into my glossy eyes,
from what you see,
why is that a suprise?
Perhaps you are startled by what's in my soul,
do you dare journey further,
are you that bold?

If you can understand,
I'll let you in,
if not,
do not mention it again.

But why should I let you in?
So I can be hurt again?
Flaming arrows have pierced my heart,
freezing ice has torn it apart.

I've picked up the pieces again and again,
when will this nightmare end?
If you can't accept me for who I am,
then in your heart you are a lost lamb.

In this world things aren't what they seem,
try to understand what I mean.
When I see that glimmer in your eye,
I look past it,
behind your disguise.
I see who you are,
Yet I look inside myself and things are dark.

trapped inside the ice.
Protecting a broken heart,

If to you a riddle this seems,
then you do not understand what I mean.

waiting once more,
no one special to visit my hearts door.
Eternal battle rages on,
others do not hear the horrid song.


Burning Water

Falling in the freezing depths,
this fate I hath met.
Frostbite in my bones,
skin turning unearthly tones.

Fire in my mind,
in my heart all the time.
Strike a match and watch it glow,
no one here to show.

Underwater fire burns,
in the freezing water,
my heart doth churn,
all alone,
to no one I can turn.

Burning ice,
yes it hurts,
all the world filled with jerks.
Never laugh,
always cry,
no one else knowing why.

deeper I go,
no one knows.

Silently drift away,
burning water everyday.
Break the surface,
then you'll know,
what it's like,
freezing hope.


Fire and Ice

On winters morn the cold frost bites,
Tis' not fair,
what is right?
Passion's flame doth burn bright,
among the ice all in spite.

Surviving life's icy grip,
we run and jump,
yet all fall into the cold depths of the pit.

Yet when you seem all alone,
trapped in the dark,
cold to the bone.
That wonderful flame ignites there,
a guiding light from the despair.

Yet I must warn you,
it doth burn,
life hurts either way you turn.

Fire and ice on your mind,
journey into your soul,
no telling what you might find.

These are the days of fire and ice.....


Cruise The Bits

Cruisin the net,
three hundred million m squared,
information flowing freely,
no I'm not scared.

Many look at laugh,
at me and the things I do,
they're sporting their ultra broadband,
and the newest CPU.

Yes I connect on dialup,
with my network of three,
technology all but forgotten,
but I've got an ace up my sleeve.

all at a single point of control,
sure I might be on dialup,
but you can't punch a hole in my firewall.

Those stuck up snobs,
let them keep their censored content,
conforming to the corporate mobs.

I surf the underside of the net,
where the noob masses fear to tread,
IRC for my pet,
ssh as soon as I get out of bed.

Hey dork,
yea you make fun of me,
but your connection isn't secure,
I read your e-mail,
your results of the purity test,
posted on usenet for all to see.

How good is your broadband now?

With that much bandwidth,
you have no clue what to do,
knowledge is power,
and you have none,
your inside my world now,
I own you!

All you see are pages and windows,
but everywhere I see bits,
everytime you screw up something,
you have a fit,
and call me up for a fix.

Tell me,
why should I continue helping you,
when grief is all you give me,
man screw you!

This is my world,
leave if you can't hang,
your stupidity is your downfall,
and you have only yourself to blame.

Off I go,
cruisin the bits again,
leavin you face first in the snow,
out there I always loose,
but in here I always win.


Digital Darkness

Bits flying by,
technology running wild,
signs of the times,
binary files.

Everyone's life,
a string of zero's and one's,
one glitch causes strife,
confusion forms.

Those who don't understand,
left on the sidewalk,
insane laws they demand,
they think they can bring the net to a halt.

Frag the weak,
hurdle the dead,
turnin up the heat,
their lives filling with dread.

They are techno fossils,
we are digital children,
to us the electronic world is real,
the keyboard is our friend.

Persecuted for our knowledge,
we hide in the dark corners of the net,
spreading information among colleges,
causing the ignorant to sweat.

This is the age,
of digital darkness,
the ignorant think we're strange,
creating their own mess.

We refuse to change,
that is why we are hated,
you can't snuff out the knowledge flame,
content refuses to be censored or rated.

We live in digital darkness,
but be prepared,
one day there will be a renaissance,
the ignorant will be running scared.

But for now surf the net,
and be prepared,
challenges will be met,
learn or run away scared.


Announcement 12-14-2006

The second issue of Binary Hole is in the works, and should be ready within the next two weeks. In the mean time, other articles will be posted soon, as well as some artwork. While you wait, sit back, relax, and enjoy the photons hitting your peepers.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

BH #1 - /dev/null


If something you've written or done has made it here, then gratz! You're a knobhead lamer who doesn't know a doughnut hole from a hole in the ground. Doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy that we thought of you!?!? Some of these responses to the lame e-mails may be real, some may be dramatizations. Your mileage may vary. (please note, identification info and links that may be harmful have been removed from the e-mails to prevent aiding their advertisements)

Subject: Reduce Spam
==I've got an idea, how bout I shove your head through your monitor. That will certainly reduce the amount of spam I get from ya!

Never worry about Spyware again!
Protection is easy with Spy-Control. In minutes, you can identify and remove all malicious infections.

===Dude you are an infection! Get a real job and stop spamming people!

Spy-Control provides absolute Spyware elimination and prevention - our Live Montoring Shield will stop Spyware before it reaches your PC, the smart Popup Blocker will make sure you are not harassed by commercials, and you'll get full access to our Helpdesk where our capable support staff will be glad to assist you with every question you might have.

===I called your help desk, they still can't figure out how to get rid of you either, so I doubt they'll be able to help me with anything.

Avoid Credit Card FraudProtect Privacy & Personal InformationPrevent Identity TheftReduce SpamIncrease PC and Internet SpeedsEnd Home Page HijackingNever see a Popup again

Spy-Control is the most widely used and trusted Spyware protection program in the world. Installed on over 13 million PC's and trusted by some of the world's largest companies- with Spy-Control, you can be certain you are getting the best protection available today!

===If it's the most widely used, then why have I never heard of it before now? If it's that good then you wouldn't have to send spam to sell it, now would you!?!?

Find out how many Spyware Agents are watching you right now!
No More


=== umm hi...

We sent you an email a while ago, because you now qualifyfor a much lower rate based on the biggest rate drop in years.

=== really? I never got it...

You can now get $325,000 for as little as $615 a month!Bad credit? Doesn't matter, low rates are fixed no matter what!

=== Holy cow! I'll take it! *evil grin*

Follow this link to process your application and a 24 hour approval:
(link removed)

Best Regards,Young Nixon

=== What happened to the old one?
(link removed)

=== hmm, this should be fun. *clicky* hmm... a form... *clicky... check phone me... wait*

ring ring...
"Yes. This is Mister Doe from USA Lenders Network. You inquired about refinancing your home?"
"Yes, you said I was pre-approved for $325,000. However, I had some problems with your web form. The values for the drop down boxes didn't match my needs. I would like to get my $325,000."
"Ok. I can help. Just answer these questions, and I'll fill out all of the paperwork."
"What's the appraised value of your home?"
"Umm... nothing."
"Sir? What do you mean?"
"I don't own a home."
"Well, that would be a problem."
"It's not my problem. You guys sent me the e-mail, and I want my money now!"
"Sir, it doesn't work that way."
"Oh? And would it work better if I sent hired goons to bash that *guess* shiny new Beamer in your parking spot? Let me speak to your manager now!"
*fone drops, sound of running feet and screaming*
"Hello? Who is this?"
"This is Mr. Doe's supervisor, Mark."
"Ah yes Mark, I think you may have a problem with your employee."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, first he approved me for a $325,000 loan, and I don't even own a home. You'll find where he started filling out the paperwork in front of you. Then he said he'd had enough of your company, and you, and said he was going out to the parking lot to set your car on fire..."
*fone drops... running feet... police sirens...*
*click* SORTED!
Subject: mating site I told you about
=== erm... there's just some e-mails even I won't dare open...
Veloz Commercial:"Do you think you might have worms?"
===Are you nuts!?!? I havn't had those since I was a kid, then I learned to wash my hands. Sorted!
*channel change*
Subject: great meds...
Ask your Doctor for this medicine...
=== woa stop right there. When I go to the doctor, it's because I'm sick and I don't know what to do, now why would I tell my doctor I need your medicine when first, I don't even know what's wrong with me, second, I don't even know what your medicine does, and third, I can't buy your medicine without a prescription!?!? Save the money your paying the spammer and lower the price of the medicine!
Subject: Man is incomplete until he is married, then he is finished...
=== heh... so many thoughts run through my head on this one. Too easy, I won't even bother to open it.
Subject: Account verification
We need to verify your parity. Please enter your account information and reply. To delay will mean the loss of your account.
=== I have parity? That's news to me. Didn't even know I had an account.

Hello, FBI? Yes, I would like to report someone committing credit card fraud. Yes. *gives information*

=== Hold on, before you scream sellout. There is a big difference between mischievious practical jokes, and crime. Mischievous would be a fake "going to format your hard drive, click yes or no" where you try to click on no, and the no button moves. Stealing anyones identity, money, etc. is a serious crime, and those comitting those crimes should rot in jail. How would you feel if you were the victim? Don't say it won't happen either. That's usually when it does.

BH #1 - GPF

What is GPF? Technical term, General Protection Fault. It's what happens when your shiny Micro$oft Windoze computer craps itself, something goes wrong, and you get the legendary BSOD. (Blue Screen of Death)

This section contains bits and pieces of our lives that GPF. Jokes, situations, gags, etc. It will either leave you spitting nails, or put a smile on your face. Your mileage may vary.


Ok, so the other day I get on the web to order some things from But my only option for shipping was UPS next day delivery, wich was gonna set me back $60. Holy crap! I didn't need this stuff that fast! What happened to ground? So I call em up. After being put on hold for a while, I was subjected to a lovely commercial trying to sell me spyware removal software. After listening to the commercial, I became annoyed and hung up.

A while later, I called back. Interestingly enough, I was on hold the same amount of time, subjected to the same sequence of music, just before the same commercial was thrown at me. This told me that the only purpose of the wait time was to prepare you for the commercial. I wonder what marketing genious thought that up. Putting people on hold and forcing them to listen to elevator music before giving your sales pitch is more likely to make your customers hang up!

This time I listened more closely to the commercial. It certainly sounded frightening. They were telling me that spyware was a virus, and my computer was most likely already infected, blah blah, the only product that could save me was theirs, blah blah. Quite a bit of mis-information. They were actually blurring the lines between what a computer virus, and spyware is. This really hurts their credibility. Not only are they trying to sell a product based on FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt), they are going to have a lot of angry customers who end up with infections after they ditch (Nortan, McAffee, Symantec, insert favorite anti-virus software here) in favor of their software.

Spyware is not a computer virus. Yes it's annoying, and just as bad as a virus, but it is not one. A computer virus, when ran, has the ability to infect other files on your computer, infect the MBR, and in some cases, spread itself via the internet to other computers. Some of these virii only infect and spread, others destroy your files, or allow others to take complete control over your computer, etc. These virii are not written by companies (that we know of) for marketing purposes. (lets not get into the conspiracy theories about the AV companies)

Spyware is written by a company for the sole purpose of collecting data from your computer for marketing, displaying adds on your computer, keeping track of the sites you visit, switching out adds of a competitor, etc. Legally, these companies must provide you with an End User License Agreement (EULA) that you must agree to when the software is installed. Usually it is bundled with other software that you install. *cough* Kazaa, Gain, superduperfavorite Explorer toolbar you download, etc.*cough*

It amazes me that a supposedly reputable company like tigerdriect would try to cram software down my throat in such an uncool, anti-social way. When I was finally able to talk to a live person, the guy began to speed read through a sales pitch to sell me a copy of the software, then asked, "How many copies can I put you down for?" Look buddy, that's not what I told you I wanted, that's not what I was looking for on your site, so why would I want any copies? I told him "Zero." A few seconds pass, in wich I hear his jaw drop, and he slyly asks, "But don't you want your computer protected?"

Ohh buddy, you just asked the wrong person that one. I said, "Ok, first of all, I've got a linux firewall setup to block any external connection attempts, second, I use a web proxy on that firewall, with an extensive block list that is updated regularly to prevent even accidental connection attempts from my computer to the sites that try to force you to download spyware, third I install updates regularly, fourth I use free programs such as Adaware and Spybot Search and Destroy each week to ensure that nothing gets by." Click, click, I fired first and emptied his ammo clip. Muhahaha!!! What's this? He breaks out the club. "Sir, could I interest you in anti-virus software then?" I reply, "Already own copies of Norton and McAffee, and yes the subscriptions are up to date." By now you can hear his sweat dripping from his head onto the phone. "Sounds like you've got it all covered, nothing I can offer you then huh?" Time to twist the knife. "Not really. I do this for a living. It's what I went to college for. I eat, sleep, breath, and dream in binary. But for what it's worth, you tried your best." He sighs, finalizes my order, and hangs up.

Ok, so lets see, all of this "over-marketing" made it all seem like the only shipping option on their website wich happened to be the one with the higher shipping prices was intentionally put there so either you would just pay it, or call and be subjected to an all out war on your senses so you would cave and buy the crap just to get the guy to shut up. They waisted their time and my time. I should send them a bill...

-=Databat=-Giving Marketing people nightmares since 1980

update: They've fixed the shipping options on their site, so I no longer have to deal with a human unless they bork my order. Looks like my complaint reached the right person.

SCO - Need I say more?
1 bit walks into a hard drive.
0 comes out.
User: What's wrong with this stupid computer!?!? *clicky clicky* Why won't it print? *clicky* Why is it always screwing up? *clicky*
Me: What's wrong?
User: This computer won't print. *clicky* It's always screwing up! *clicky clicky* see? *clicky clicky*
Me: *puts paper in the printer*
User: ...
Me: *glares at user*
User: Shutup!
Me: *cold chuckle*
User: Why won't the internet come up? *click click click*
Me: *waits patiently*
User: See? *click click click* It's not doing anything! *click click click*
Me: *continues waiting*
User: *eyes pop out as 50 million internet explorer windows pop onto the screen*
Me: *sighs and walks away*

BH #1 - Spyware


Most people have heard about it by now. Most have been a victim, but some not aware of it. Sometimes you may even see products on t.v. that is supposed to block it. But what is it really. Short answer, it's just as bad as a virus, but is legal in most areas/countries. Let me explain. Spyware is a program that is installed on your computer, sometimes without your knowledge, that may collect information about the websites you are viewing, and sending that information to marketing companies. It may also display various popup ads on your computer. This form of spyware is also known as Adware. It may even collect personal information, such as your name, mailing address, phone number, e-mail addresses stored on your computer, etc. But ultimately, all spyware invades your privacy in one form or another.

The thought probably has already formed in your mind. "How do I get it, and how do I get rid of it? Isn't it illegal for companies to use spyware?" What about this software people advertise to get rid fo spyware? We'll cover each of these questions.

The main way that people end up with spyware installed is through innocent web browsing. Depending on the security settings of your web browser, it may automaticly run various java, ocx controls, etc. Sometimes you may get a little popup window asking you if you really want to download it, install it, etc. There may even be a fancy licensing agreement you must agree to. Now how many of you have clicked "yes I agree" to some piece of software without actually reading the agreement? Bad idea. You should read every license agreement. The companies that are using spyware legally must include details about the spyware in the agreement. Some spyware is even attached to various applications that you may download and run. These programs include most file shareing programs, weatherbug, etc. Sure, these programs sound neat, and they're free oooh boy! Remember, there is never a free lunch. You are paying for those programs with your privacy, and lost bandwidth due to the ads that are displayed. Every seen one of those fancy search toolbars? Ever install one? Most likely it was bundled with spyware.

But how do you know if your infected? (yes I said infected, because that's pretty much what these programs do. They are a cancer to the internet.) One sign may be that you are recieving an abnormal ammount of popups on pages that have never had them before. You may also notice your internet connection slowing down. (due to the extra bandwidth used) For every user of Microsoft OS's (win9x, win2k, win ME, winXP, etc.) I highly recomend downloading and installing spyware removal programs. There are two that I recomend are Spybot Search and Destroy, and Ad Aware.

Spybot can be found at It is freeware. (please see their website for more details)

The other one is called Ad Aware. It can be found at Ad Aware is free for non-commerical use. (please see their website for details)

Spybot will not only scan your computer, but will also remove spyware, as well as "immunize" Internet Explorer, wich helps prevent future downloads of spyware. Remember, when you first install these programs, you should run the update portion of the programs to make sure their current spyware definitions are up to date. Then do the spyware scan. Even if you do not think you have spyware installed, run them anyway. What you will find may surprise you. Remember though, some spyware you remove may also invalidate your license to use some of those programs you downloaded. (such as the fileshareing programs, etc.) Some of those programs may not even work after you remove the spyware. Please be aware of this, and decide what is most important to you. Now you're probably wondering why I suggest that you use both of these programs. Well, as we all know, software isn't perfect. It takes time to collect the needed information for the spyware definitions. New spyware is created every day. Well, what one program misses, the other program will catch. Ad Aware does have extra features if you register it. They also have different versions for I.T. professionals, as well as corporations. Both are worth checking into. If you know of any others that you feel should be mentioned, please e-mail us, and we will include them in future articles.

Also, make sure you review your Internet Explorer security settings. In a browser window, click on tools, then click on internet options. Review and get familure with every setting in there. This will do wonders for keeping out the garbage. If you are using winXP, you can use the manage addons selection. This gives a finer control over what is installed in your browser. As far as the windows firewall, I'll save that for a future article. Let's just say I'm not impressed.
Another thing worth checking on your computer, is the add/remove programs area in your windows control panel. Just click on the start button, click settings, then click control panel. Then click on the icon that says add/remove programs. This will show you a list of everything installed on your computer. Read through the list, and look for things you have not installed, or things you know shouldn't be there. If you remove something you shouldn't have, just re-install it. Unless the person who wrote the spyware program is very crafty, it will show up in the list. Wild Tangent, as well as a few others will show up here.

Now, this next tip may not be available with all versions of Windows. Click the start button, then click run, type msconfig, then press enter. When the little box pops up, click the startup tab. This is a listing of almost everything that runs when your computer boots. Sort through the list, and uncheck the things you don't want to startup. This is helpful if you have stubborn spyware that doesn't un-install properly. Also, under the first tab, be sure you choose selective startup. Otherwise, everything will startup that's on the list. There are a few other interesting things in here as well. Take time to explore. Just be careful when you tinker. (note: if you don't know what you are doing, make sure you have a backup of all your data)

Now this tip is not for computer noobs. Yes, I'm talking about editing the registry. (please please backup your data before you attempt this. It is also a good idea to keep a backup copy of your registry in case your bork things up) Click the start button, click run, type regedit in the little box, and press enter. This will open the registry editor. Now, you need to know the name of the spyware program you are searching for here. Click Edit in the menu bar, click find, and enter the name of the spyware entries you are looking for. Once you find the key you are looking for, delete it. Continue doing this until you can't find any more, then reboot. If you feel aprehensive about editing your registry, contact your local guru for assistance.

This last tip is for when all else fails. You break it. No no, not your computer, just break the spyware program. How? It's simple. Click the start button, click search, all files and folders. In the box that says "Enter a word or phrase in the file", type in the name of the spyware you are looking for. What we are doing here is searching the contents of every file in your hard drive for the text you entered. So if you typed in gator (another well known spyware product), then any file that had the word "gator" in it will show up in the search results. Sort through your search results, and delete the ones that you can recognize as spyware. (again, contact your local computer guru if you are confused)

One more preventative measure you can take, if you have the technological knowledge. (In other words, I'm not going into it in detail) Get a cheap, spare machine, install a flavor of Unix or Linux, set it up as a firewall, configure squid for a web proxy, and have it block access to a list of known websites that display ads, popups, spyware, etc. You can find a pre-made list for squid at this site.

They also have other formats, and instructions on blocking ads and other interesting things.
Final thoughts: Spyware, adware, popups, and internet ads in general are like a cancer to the internet. Make sure you always practice safe browsing habits. Get involved with your government officials. Urge them to pass tougher laws regarding spyware. (depending on where you live, your mileage may vary) Talk to others, and make sure they are aware of the problem. Once it becomes unprofitable for these companies to use spyware, they'll stop. (once every computer is spyware free, they will no longer have a reason to use spyware)
Just my two cents. Your mileage may vary.


All mentioned products are copyright of their respective authors/companies.

BH #1 - Telnet Protocol Explained

The Telnet Protocol Explained

Go into a computer store, and ask any family shopping for a computer if they know what telnet is. Chaces are, they'll just look at you and scratch their heads. It's sad really. Most of the people who know about it are old school, or fellow computer enthusiasts. This first paragraph is for those who don't have a clue. So skip it if you already know what I'm talking about. First of all, let me say this. There is a difference in the telnet protocol, and an application called telnet that uses the telnet protocol. In this article, When I say telnet I am refering to the protocol unless otherwise stated.

The telnet protocol was developed in the late 1960's. Back then, computers were huge, filling entire rooms. To connect to it, you had to run a dedicated data circuit from the comptuer to the users dumb terminal. (a dumb terminal is pretty much just a monitor and a keyboard. it displays what is sent to it, and sends what you type) But what if you wanted to connect to a computer in another building? Or needed to access several systems? This is why the telnet protocol was developed. It allowed computers to be placed on a TCP/IP network, and the users could telnet to any computer on the network. This saved time, money, and other various resources. This protocol was one of the first that was demonstrated on ARPANET in 1969. The first RFC wich covered the protocol was RFC 97. (an RFC is a "Request For Comments" document. These documents are used by various agencies. such as ICANN and IANA, to form internet standards.) The final version of the standard was published in RFC 854 in May of 1983. There are also a number of other RFC's wich cover many of the telnet options. (do a web search if you wish to read the RFC's)

The telnet protocol is built upon three basic concepts. They are The Network Virtual Terminal (NVT), options and option negotiation, and symetric operation. Think of the NVT as a fictional computer. All data sent must be sent according to it's format. This ensures that no matter what operating system your computer uses, any data recieved using the telnet protocol will be in the same format, no matter what. (assuming the programmer of the application follows the standard, but more on that later) The telnet protocol also defines various options and option negotiation standards to provide functionality with more advanced terminals. Once the options are negotiated, the two computers can send and recieve data as equals. They can also renegotiate options if needed later. This makes the telnet protocol extremely felxible. This flexibility has lead it to appear in many places over the years. Later protocols have adopted the use of the telnet NVT to ensure compatibility of communication. Such protocols include FTP, SMTP, NNTP, and HTTP. Those protocols do not actually establish a Telnet session or use the option negotion features, they just use it to send data in a consistant way. When most people think of telnet, they think of a remote login to a network computer. Telnet software uses the telnet protocol to establish a remote connection. If any of you have ever purchased a shell account to run an eggdrop bot on IRC, you know what I'm talking about.

Using telnet for remote login involves the client/server model. The computer you are connecting to is the server. You are the client. You use Telnet software to connect to the remote computer. Normally this is by connecting to port 23. Ex. telnet The default port is 23, most Telnet applications assume this, unless otherwise specified. In wich case, if you are running it from a command line, it would be telnet 23 or whatever port you want to connect to. Once a connection is established, option negotiation begins.
The NVT standard dictates that all printable characters must be displayed. (break out the ASCII chart, or search for one online to see what I'm talking about) However, there are some unprintable characters. Not all of these have to be supported, but all of them usually are now days. They are as follows: (sorry if it looks messy, there is only so much I can do in a plain text file)

ASCII value ASCII Char code ASCII char Desc Required(decimal)

0 NUL Null No operation (no effect on output). Mandatory

7 BEL Bell Produces an audible or visible signal on the output without moving the print head. This notification may be used to get the user’s attention, as in the case of an error.

8 BS Back Space Moves the print position one character to the left.

9 HT Horizontal Tab Moves the printer to the next horizontal tab stop. The standard does not specify how devices agree on tab stop positions; this can be negotiated using Telnet options.

10 LF Line Feed Moves the printer to the next line, keeping the print position the same.

11 VT Vertical Tab Moves the print line to the next vertical tab stop. As with the “HT” character, devices must use an option to come to an agreement on vertical tab stop positions.

12 FF Form Feed Moves the printer to the top of the next page (or on a display, clears the screen and positions the cursor at the top.)

13 CR Carriage Return Moves the printer to the left margin of the current print line.

Also note, that a CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) in the NVT represents an end of line. This is because not all operating systems agree on what the end of line should be. For example, Microsoft operating systems use CR and LF, while *NIX style operating systems use LF. The older MAC operating systems used CR. Adding this to the standard has ensured that today these operating systems can still communicate using the NVT.

I have two more tables to throw at you, so bear with me. They are needed to understand the option negotiations that take place once you establish a connection.

Telnet Command Table

Code Name Description 240 SE End of subnegotiation parameters.

241 NOP No operation.
242 Data Mark The data stream portion of a Synch. This should always be accompanied by a TCPUrgent notification.
243 Break NVT character BRK.
244 Interrupt Process The function IP.
245 Abort output The function AO.
246 Are You There The function AYT.
247 Erase character The function EC.
248 Erase Line The function EL.
249 Go ahead The GA signal.
250 SB Indicates that what follows is subnegotiation of the indicated option.
251 WILL (option code) Indicates the desire to begin performing, or confirmation that you are now performing, the indicated option.
252 WON'T (option code) Indicates the refusal to perform, or continue performing, the indicated option.
253 DO (option code) Indicates the request that the other party perform, or confirmation that you are expecting the other party to perform, the indicated option.
254 DON'T (option code) Indicates the demand that the other party stop performing, or confirmation that you are no longer expecting the other party to perform, the indicated option.
255 IAC Data Byte 255.

This next table is a list of telnet options, and the RFC that covers each one.
Code Option References
0 TRANSMIT-BINARY, Binary Transmission. RFC 856 1 ECHO, Echo. RFC 857 2 Reconnection.
3 SUPPRESS-GO-AHEAD, Suppress Go Ahead. RFC 858
4 Approx Message Size Negotiation.
6 TIMING-MARK, Timing Mark RFC 860
7 RCTE, Remote Controlled Trans and Echo. RFC 563, RFC 726
8 Output Line Width.
9 Output Page Size.
10 NAOCRD, Negotiate About Output Carriage-Return Disposition. RFC 652
11 NAOHTS, Negotiate About Output Horizontal Tabstops. RFC 653
12 NAOHTD, Negotiate About Output Horizontal Tab Disposition. RFC 654
13 NAOFFD, Negotiate About Output Formfeed Disposition. RFC 655
14 NAOVTS, Negotiate About Vertical Tabstops. RFC 656
15 NAOVTD, Negotiate About Output Vertcial Tab Disposition. RFC 657
16 NAOLFD, Negotiate About Output Linefeed Disposition. RFC 658.
17 Extended ASCII. RFC 698
18 LOGOUT, Logout. RFC 727
19 BM, Byte Macro. RFC 735
20 Data Entry Terminal. RFC 732, RFC 1043
21 SUPDUP. RFC 734, RFC 736
23 SEND-LOCATION, Send Location. RFC 779
24 TERMINAL-TYPE, Terminal Type. RFC 1091
25 END-OF-RECORD, End of Record. RFC 885
26 TUID, TACACS User Identification. RFC 927
27 OUTMRK, Output Marking. RFC 933
28 TTYLOC, Terminal Location Number. RFC 946
29 Telnet 3270 Regime. RFC 1041
30 X.3 PAD. RFC 1053
31 NAWS, Negotiate About Window Size. RFC 1073
32 Terminal Speed. RFC 1079
33 Remote Flow Control. RFC 1372
34 Linemode. RFC 1184
35 X Display Location. RFC 1096
36 Environment Option. RFC 1408
37 AUTHENTICATION, Authentication Option. RFC 1416, RFC 2941, RFC 2942, RFC 2943, RFC 2951
38 Encryption Option. RFC 2946
39 New Environment Option. RFC 1572
40 TN3270E. RFC 2355
42 CHARSET. RFC 2066
43 RSP, Telnet Remote Serial Port.
44 Com Port Control Option RFC 2217
45 Telnet Suppress Local Echo
46 Telnet Start TLS
47 KERMIT RFC 2840
50 to 137 undefined
141 to 254 undefined
255 EXOPL, Extended-Options-List. RFC 861

Now your probably wondering what all that crap is. This is the part where I tell ya what most of it means. Certain bytes that are sent and recieved mean various things. All telnet commands sequences must start with the byte 255. This is the Interpret As Command byte. The byte after it is interpreted as a command. :-) The commands are listed in the telnet command chart. These follow their own special set of rules.

The first set of commands normally sent are DO's, DONT's, WILL's, and WONT's. The following are the rules for these command sequences.
Sender Receiver Implication

  • WILL DO The sender would like to use a certain option if the receiver can handle it. The receiver says it can support the option. Option is now in effect
  • WILL DONT The sender would like to use a certain option if the receiver can handle it. The receiver says it cannot support the option. Option is not in effect.
  • DO WILL The sender requests that the receiver use a certain option. The receiver says it can support the option. Option is now in effect.
  • DO WONT The sender requests that the receiver use a certain option. The receiver says it cannot support the option. Option is not in effect.
  • WONT DONT The sender will not use a certain option. Option disabled. DONT is only valid response.
  • DONT WONT The sender requests that the receiver does not use a certain option. Option disabled. WONT is only valid response.
client: IAC DO ECHOhost: IAC WILL ECHO (echo is now in effect)

That is one simple use of it. However, one of the more complicated options will look like this.


They have negotiated that the terminal type will be reported. The actual terminal type is not negotiated in that data transfer. It just means that they have agreed to negotiate it at a later time. When the time comes, they use the SB command. (subnegotiation) It looks like this. (note, terminal type is the brand of terminal you are using. ex. vt100, vt220, etc. Now days, it refers to the type of emulation that your telnet program will be pretending to be. Terminal emulation is beyond the scope of this article)

Note: SEND is the ASCII value 1, and IS is the ASCII value of 0 in this instance.(See RFC 1091 for more info)

Each telnet option has it's own method for subnegotiation, as per their RFC's. Once all of the initial negotiation is completed, everything proceeds as if you were using that computer directly. Later on in the session, certain options may be renegotiated. If you are interested in writing your own telnet application, the RFC's are very helpful. If you do decide to write one, please write it to the complete spec, as a broken telnet client is the most annoying thing in the world. Due to time restraints, I won't go into every telnet option in detail. That's what the RFC's are for. Just google for them. There are several sites out there that have all of them up.
Another thing you must remember when using the telnet protocol. The data is sent in plain text. (not including the ENCRYPTION option) It is possible for someone to intercept your traffic, and sniff your passwords. (How that is done is beyond the scope of this article as well) Most people now use SSH instead of telnet (SSH encrypts the data), unless they are in a secure network environment. I have only scratched the surface of the telnet protocol here. For more information, the following RFC's are helpful. (to find these RFC's, just search for them in your favorite internet search engine. I did not list any particular site to find them because there are many sites out there with these) If anyone would like for me to go more in depth on anything in this article, or if you have any questions, just e-mail us, and we will be happy to help.


RFCs:------------------------------------RFC 137 TELNET Protocol.
RFC 139 Discussion of TELNET Protocol.
RFC 318 Telnet Protocol.
RFC 328 Suggested Telnet Protocol Changes.
RFC 393 Comments on TELNET Protocol Changes.
RFC 435 TELNET Issues.
RFC 495 TELNET Protocol Specification.
RFC 529 A Note on Protocol Synch Sequences.
RFC 559 Comments on the new TELNET Protocol and its Implementation.
RFC 563 Comments on the RCTE TELNET Option.
RFC 593 Telnet and FTP Implementation Schedule Change.
RFC 595 Some Thoughts in Defense of the TELNET Go-Ahead.
RFC 596 Second Thoughts on Telnet Go-Ahead.
RFC 652 Telnet Output Carriage-Return Disposition Option.
RFC 659 Announcing Addtional Telnet Options.
RFC 703 July, 1975, Survey of New-Protocol TELNET Servers.
RFC 718 Comments on RCTE from the TENEX Implementation Experience.
RFC 719 Discussion on RCTE.
RFC 726 Remote Controlled Transmssion and Echoing Telnet Option.
RFC 727 TELNET Logout Option.
RFC 728 A Minor Pitfall in the Telnet Protocol.
RFC 732 Telnet Data Entry Terminal Option.Obsoletes: RFC 731.
RFC 734 SUPDUP Protocol.
RFC 735 Revised TELNET Byte Macro Option.Obsoletes: RFC 729. RFC 736 TELNET SUPDUP Option.
RFC 749 Telnet SUPDUP-OUTPUT Option.
RFC 818 The Remote User Telnet Service.
RFC 854 TELNET Protocol Specification.
RFC 855 TELNET Option Specifications.Obsoletes: RFC 764. RFC 856 TELNET BINARY TRANSMISSION.
RFC 927 TACACS User Identification Telnet Option.
RFC 1041 Telnet 3270 Regime Option.
RFC 1043 TELNET Data Entry Terminal Option DODIIS Implementation.Updates: RFC 732. RFC 1053 Telnet X.3 PAD Option.
RFC 1073 Telnet Window Size Option.
RFC 1079 Telnet Terminal Speed Option.
RFC 1091 Telnet Terminal-Type Option.Obsoletes: RFC 930. RFC 1096 Telnet X Display Location Option.
RFC 1123 Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support.
RFC 1143 The Q Method of Implementing TELNET Option Negotiation.
RFC 1184 Telnet Linemode Option.Obsoletes: RFC 1116.
RFC 1205 5250 Telnet Interface.
RFC 1372 Telnet Remote Flow Control Option.Obsoletes: RFC 1080.
RFC 1408 Telnet Environment Option.
RFC 1411 Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 4.
RFC 1412 Telnet Authentication: SPX.
RFC 1571 Telnet Environment Option Interoperability Issues.Updates: RFC 1408.
RFC 1572 Telnet Environment Option.
RFC 1576 TN3270 Current Practices.
RFC 1646 TN3270 Extensions for LUname and Printer Selection.
RFC 1921 TNVIP Protocol.
RFC 2217 Telnet Com Port Control Option.
RFC 2355 TN3270 Enhancements.Obsoletes: RFC 1647.
RFC 2839 Internet Kermit Service.
RFC 2877 5250 Telnet Enhancements.Updates: RFC 1205.
RFC 2941 Telnet Authentication Option.Obsoletes: RFC 1416.
RFC 2942 Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 5.
RFC 2943 TELNET Authentication Using DSA.
RFC 2944 Telnet Authentication: SRP.
RFC 2946 Telnet Data Encryption Option.
RFC 2947 Telnet Encryption: DES3 64 bit Cipher Feedback.
RFC 2948 Telnet Encryption: DES3 64 bit Output Feedback.
RFC 2949 Telnet Encryption: CAST-128 64 bit Output Feedback.
RFC 2950 Telnet Encryption: CAST-128 64 bit Cipher Feedback.
RFC 2951 TELNET Authentication Using KEA and SKIPJACK.
RFC 2952 Telnet Encryption: DES 64 bit Cipher Feedback.
RFC 2953 Telnet Encryption: DES 64 bit Output Feedback.
Obsolete RFCs:
RFC 651 Revised Telnet Status Option.Obsoleted by: RFC 859.
RFC 729 TELNET Byte Macro Option.Obsoleted by: RFC 735. RFC 731] Telnet Data Entry Terminal Option.Obsoleted by: RFC 732.
RFC 930 TELNET TERMINAL TYPE OPTION.Obsoleted by: RFC 1091. Obsoletes: RFC 884.
RFC 1080 Telnet Remote Flow Control Option.Obsoleted by: RFC 1372.
RFC 1116 Telnet Linemode Option.Obsoleted by: RFC 1184.
RFC 1409 Telnet Authentication Option.Obsoleted by: RFC 1416.
RFC 1416 Telnet Authentication Option.Obsoleted by: RFC 2941. Obsoletes: RFC 1409.
RFC 1647 TN3270 Enhancements.Obsoleted by: RFC 2355.