Thursday, December 14, 2006

Once, Twice, Ice

Before me the icy depths await,
there's no escaping my fate.
Behind me,
my hands are bound,
death creeping,
the only sound.
A heart no longer beats within' my chest,
I shall never be laid to rest,
over the edge I step.
Falling further,
is it really such a disaster?
Color draining from my face,
falling into,
out of,
and around this place.
Transformed by the bitter cold,
to me its secrets told.
I brush the frost from my hair,
everyone avoids my icy stare.
From me they turn and run,
they do not understand what I've become.
A tear runs down my cheek,
ice hits my feet.
Wish I could melt away,
no, the chill is here to stay.
Everything to hide,
nothing to say,
everyone just stays out of my way.


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