Thursday, December 21, 2006

Brothers Goblin - Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Cruel Interrogation

The jail reeked of sweat, grime, and other such filth best left unmentioned. The bars were coated with a mysterious green slime that would cause the greatest alchemists to scratch their heads. Their cell was sparsely furnished with a flea infested bedroll for each of them, one chamber pot that looked as if it had never been emptied since the jail was built, and a wall filled with scratch marks from past prisoners marking the time. In the cell to their left, a large half-orc eyed them hungrily. In the cell to their right, a shady looking character leaned against the wall, looking rather relaxed.

"See, never ever trust human.", Frazzle scolded. "How was I spose ta know he would lie?", Frizzle asked sheepishly. "Quiet you two! The Duke is ready to question you now!", A guard barked gruffly as he opened the cell. Knowing the drill, both goblins stood there passively while their wrists were bound once again. They were then marched up the corridor to an interrogation room.

The room was small and empty, except for three chairs. Two chairs sat side by side, and a third sat in front of the other two. Frizzle and Frazzle were seated in the two chairs that were side by side. The guard left, slamming the iron door shut. Strangely, it made no sound. Frizzle looked at his brother, and tried to speak. His mouth moved but no sound was heard. Frazzle tried as well. Nothing... They both gave each other a confused look, and shrugged. For hours, they both stared at the walls, ceiling, counted specks of dirt, counted each others warts, etc.

Finally, the door opened again. An old man entered, wearing ornate robes, and carrying a glowing staff. Behind him, the Duke of Davenport. The guard shut the door behind them. The old man made a weird, glowing symbol in the air with the tip of his finger. Both goblins felt a strange tingle. "What was that?", Frizzle asked. "Hey! I can hear you now!", Frazzle stated joyously. "Silence! You will answer my questions truthfully or you will remain here until you starve.", The Duke demanded. Both goblins nodded helplessly. "Now, what were you both doing out in Kerns?", the Duke asked. "We go there looks for food, yup.", Frazzle responded. "Lies!", the Duke shouted. The old mage pulled a wand from his sleeve, pointed it at Frazzle, and activated it. A bright blue glow sprung forth, zapping Frazzle with electricity. "Owww! Hey orc kisser! That hurt!", he cursed. ZAP! "Owww! Why you sorry Drow lovin' girdle wearin dirt eatin old codger!", he swore again. ZAP! ZAP! Frazzle lost consciousness. Frizzle looked at his brother, then the mage, with a horrified look. The Duke turned his attention toward Frizzle. "Now, I suspect we'll get more cooperation from you, aye?" Frizzle just nodded. "Now, what were you two really doing in Kerns?", he asked again. Frizzle began to cry. "We was just hungry, honest. We go looks for food. That all.", he blubbered. The mage pointed the wand at Frizzle. "Please!?!? No!!! I tells truth! We just finds food! That all! Dun hurt please!", Frizzle sobbed. "Hmm... perhaps we did not leave them here long enough.", the Duke stated coolly, as he stood up and left the room. Frizzle continued to sob as he was left alone with the old mage. The mage just grinned sadistically, pulling another wand from his sleeve. He waved it in the air, and once again silence filled the room. As he turned to leave, he tossed something in the air, and the room was plunged into a magical darkness. Frizzle was unable to see or hear the iron door slam shut as the old mage left. His senses were useless, save for feeling his own tears rolling down his cheeks...

Chapter 4 - The Great Escape

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