Thursday, December 21, 2006

Brothers Goblin - Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Swash Your Buckles

As the ferry floated lazily upon the river, loud thunder crackled overhead as a huge, ominous rain cloud hovered overhead. "Okeah looks a bit angry t'day.", the Captain commented gravely. "Better hurry an get ta shore." Suddenly, the wind picked up speed as rain began to pour down upon the ferry. Frizzle and Frazzle toppled over, revealing themselves for who they were. The startled crew began to shout. Various weapons were drawn as the goblins were chased about the boat. "Ahh! Run! They gonna kills us!", cried Frizzle. "Run where dumb dumb! We on boat!", replied Frazzle as they scurried about. The chase was intense. The sailors were cursing, the goblins were jumping and running about franticly. Everyone was to busy to notice the storm was blowing them out to sea. The chase lasted hours, as the goblins ran across every inch of the ferry, above and below deck. Just as the storm began to let up, the goblins were cornered at the bow of the ship. "Please dun kills us!", pleaded Frizzle as the captain plodded towards them, scimitar drawn menacingly. BOOM! SPLASH! Something landed extremely close to the ferry, sending salt water over the boat and into the Captain's face. She looked around and realized, they were out at sea. What was worse, another ship was dangerously close, a black flag with skull and crossed bones flying high. "Arrr! Surrender an we won't be killin ya!" The ferry was without weapons, nor a quick means of sailing back to land. With a heavy sigh, the Captain raised a white flag of surrender as the pirate ship floated ever closer.

Soon, pirates were jumping aboard, shouting, swearing, and groping the passengers. Several went below to raid the cargo holds. A scruffy man with a wooden leg approached the Captain and the goblins. "Arrr. After we get wut we want, we be lettin ye go free.", he stated matter of factly. "Who are you knave!?", the Captain boldy inquired. "I be Blarney Cutthroat Schmee, Captain o' the Barnicle Tree, pirate o' thu Shimmerin' Sea! Arrrr!", he exclaimed dramatically. The Ferry Captain quivered in fear, and bowed her head in submission. Suddenly, Frazzle called out, "Arrr! Hail Captain Schmee!" "Wut you doin stupids?", whispered Frizzle. "Gettin us outa this, an dun calls me stupids, dummy!", he whispered back. "Now wut this be here?", inquired the pirate. "We be pirates too yup, an we wana join up!", explained Frazzle as he pulled his dagger, and made a few swipes in the air. "Har har har! Kinda small ta be pirates aren't ye? Well now, how do I be knowin ya piratey nuff?" "We snucks here ta trick ums out ta sea fer ya, Arrr!!", Frazzle squeaked. Blarney just grinned and chuckled. "I guess ye can be joinin' up then, since ye helped us an all. Now get below an help with thu rest o' thu loot before ye end up swabbin thu deck, Arrr!!!" "Aye aye sir!", the goblins yelped as they both saluted, then headed below to loot the ship with the rest of the pirates. The ferry captain cursed under her breath and glared at the goblins as they began to haul up food supplies from below.

Before long, the ferry was but a distant speck upon the horizon as Frizzle and Frazzle stood upon the deck of the Barnacle Tree. They both turned to each other, grinned, and said, "Arrrr! Hahahahha!" It was a fine day indeed. Blarney Schmee looked upon the goblins with a smile upon his face. It didn't matter if he believed the goblins had actually helped bring the ferry out. Their food stores were full, their holds had gold, valuable jewelry, and enough ale to travel to Sudak and back several times. It was a good day for them all. Frazzle sat by the railing beside his brother. Taking the cloak, he cut out a small scrap of cloth and tied it around his head, covering his eye. Blarney walked by and looked down at the goblins curiously. Frazzle just looked up, smiled, and said, "Arrr!" "Har har, ye look a bit more piratey now lil one. Keep at it.", Blarney chuckled as he continued looking after the ship. Frizzle just shrugged, and made himself an eye patch. "So, wut we do now?", Frizzle asked his brother. "Umm... I dunno. Go pirate I guess.", Frazzle replied. "Dumb dumb, that not what I ment. How we get back?", replied Frizzle. "Stop callin me dumb! I dunno how we gets back yet, but we gots food an peoples that not try ta kill us, now shet up an try ta look piratey!", Frazzle snapped.

The two goblins went about their business, swabbing the deck, learning to tie knots, and of course, drinking and playing cards with the rest of the crew...

Chapter 7 - Snatch N Grab

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